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Professor: Caitlin McGill


Students: Abby Arora, Shoshana Baraschi-Ehrlich, John Barlow, Martha Connolly, Javaun Crane-Bonnell, Casey Dalager, Siobhan Dolan, Sydney Drummond, Ben Franchi, Evan Iaslovits, Emilee Miller, Liam O'Connor-Genereaux, Greg Ports, Daniel Riva, Elle Sanchez, Jessica Shotorbani, Ian Stewart





This project showcases how our research and writing on Boston neighborhoods, buildings, communities, and urban spaces in general explores social, political, and cultural issues that continue to affect Boston. Why is such a clear line drawn between the predominantly white, suburban community of West Roxbury and the predominantly black and Latino, lower-income community of Roxbury? Where does the strong pride of “Southie” residents originate, and how has gentrification affected the heritage and history of those predominantly Irish residents? 


Despite that, by law, segregation is illegal, we’ve found that a subtle sense of such division still permeates our city today. What work must be done to combat this lingering lack of diversity and interconnectedness? How can we heighten awareness, expand boundaries, and push beyond stereotypes to create livable spaces for all Boston residents? Over the past few months, we have explored these questions through multimodal academic research papers, memoirs, personal essays, and profiles.






Editors: Abby Arora, Shoshana Baraschi-Ehrlich, John Barlow, Siobhan Dolan, Ben Franchi, Daniel Riva, Elle Sanchez, Ian Stewart


Marketing Team: Martha Connolly, Jessica Shotorbani


Website Team: Sydney Drummond, Evan Iaslovits, Emilee Miller, Liam O'Connor-Genereaux, Greg Ports


Photographers: Javaun Crane-Bonnell, Casey Dalager

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